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Jessica Hunt

Founder of Hey Parents! Let’s Chat…

Currently, I live with my husband in a small New England town. We have 2 young adult children: older son obtained his CDL license and is working full time; younger daughter is in college earning a degree in social work. After working in the private sector for many years, I found my passion in education. I have 15ish years in the educational field, and I currently teach 5th grade at our local elementary school.

Educational Background: Bachelor’s Degree in Communication, specializing in Interpersonal Communication; Master’s Degree in Education; and most recently earned certification for Assistant Building Administrator.

More About Hey Parents! Let’s Chat…

Mission Statement: The goal is to create conversations between parents allowing them, the true experts, to share ideas while supporting each other in a positive, kind, informative manner.
Admin will post questions/scenarios, encouraging others to share input, and parents are encouraged to ask questions and share concerns while
soliciting responses of help/new ideas/support.
All are welcome: Young people preparing to have kids; young parents in need of advice on parenting or a place to vent stresses; older veteran
parents sharing experiences and wisdom with younger parents; grandparents who can learn what their kids and grandkids are experiencing or… who can just sit back and laugh at the rest of us.

Successfully, working together towards raising healthy, productive, well adjusted children…

I hope you join us, as we all chat about the realities of parenting, share ideas, learn from each other, and ultimately become better parents… everyone’s ultimate goal, right?!?!?

If you enjoy and value the conversations, hit “Like,” “Subscribe,” “Invite” others, and “Share” the videos… The more we share, the more we learn, and the better we become as parents!

You can follow our chats on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, and LinkedIn