by Hey Parents Lets Chat | Jan 22, 2023 | Babies, Toddler - Preschool Years
How do you juggle feeding twins, changing twins, and then get any sleep yourself? Dress them alike or different? Getting them on the same sleep schedule? Surviving whiny, arguing, and time-outs with toddler twins? Lisa offers GREAT suggestions and advice for moms with...
by Hey Parents Lets Chat | Oct 22, 2022 | Babies
Should the baby sleep in their crib as soon as they come home? Will a bassinet work in the parents bedroom? What is co-sleeping, and is it best or worst? Deciding on sleeping arrangements for newborn babies can sometimes be overwhelming and stressful for parents. In...
by Hey Parents Lets Chat | Oct 16, 2022 | Babies, Chats For All Ages, School Age Years, Teenage Years, Toddler - Preschool Years
Disagreeing over how our kids should be raised, rules, and household routines is common. How we handle it can be tricky! What to we do when we disagree or fight over rules? I share a simple, yet effective, strategy to help, and how to implement it! Click Here To...
by Hey Parents Lets Chat | Oct 16, 2022 | Babies, Chats For All Ages, School Age Years, Teenage Years, Toddler - Preschool Years
Have you ever felt isolated or unsupported? Lonely or unappreciated? At one point or another, every parents has experienced this! But, it does not have to be like this! You do not have to continue feeling this way… as a matter of fact, you shouldn’t! My video explores...
by Hey Parents Lets Chat | Jun 16, 2022 | Babies, Chats For All Ages, School Age Years, Teenage Years, Toddler - Preschool Years
Time out… for adults? Do you feel guilty taking time for yourself? Does leaving the kids for an overnight trip stress you out? Is it OK to leave your baby for the day? If you’ve experienced these feelings, this video is for you! As parents, we stress about...
by Hey Parents Lets Chat | Jun 4, 2022 | Babies, Chats For All Ages
Have you ever been accused of spoiling your baby? Have you ever wondered if you are spoiling him or her? Can you spoil a newborn? Can you spoil a baby several months old? I share my candid thoughts on this issue, and I hope my video helps many parents dealing with...