by Hey Parents Lets Chat | Jan 22, 2023 | Chats For All Ages, Toddler - Preschool Years
Dealing with bad behaviors? Going into stores? Going to restaurants? What will others think of me if the kids misbehave? All of these concerns can be daunting as a parent! Some parents decide to not take their children out as much because of the stress. What’s...
by Hey Parents Lets Chat | Jan 22, 2023 | Toddler - Preschool Years
Life with twins can be tricky, but surviving potty training… Lisa has some great tips! This chat is great for any parents potty training multiple children close in age. We also touch upon the introduction to pre-school…an emotional time! Add your thoughts...
by Hey Parents Lets Chat | Jan 22, 2023 | Babies, Toddler - Preschool Years
How do you juggle feeding twins, changing twins, and then get any sleep yourself? Dress them alike or different? Getting them on the same sleep schedule? Surviving whiny, arguing, and time-outs with toddler twins? Lisa offers GREAT suggestions and advice for moms with...
by Hey Parents Lets Chat | Jan 22, 2023 | Toddler - Preschool Years
There is so much they should know and be able to do before hitting school, socially and academically. Do we focus on teaching them to read or how to share, how to add & subtract or how to take turns, how to write or how to wait in line patiently? How do we know if...
by Hey Parents Lets Chat | Jan 22, 2023 | Toddler - Preschool Years, Uncategorized
Here’s how to set your kids up for success in Kindergarten! What can parents do to help their kids get ready for kindergarten? How do we know if our little ones are ready? What do they need to know? How can parents help? All of these questions are answered, and...
by Hey Parents Lets Chat | Oct 22, 2022 | Toddler - Preschool Years
How do we handle temper tantrums? What strategies can we use when they’re showing those “big emotions?” Do we use the same strategies in public that we use at home? We chat about all of this, and more… spanking, time-outs, natural consequence. Just two experienced...